People are often told by a dentist that they need a dental crown, or a dental cap, as it is sometimes called. Many might be thinking “what is a dental cap and why do I need one?” Procedures like tooth-coloured fillings, dental bonding, and root canal therapy can protect the root, but the tooth can only withstand so many repairs, so a dental crown may be the right option for some.
To inquire further about dental crowns, or to schedule, an appointment for crowns call us on (08) 8981 9993!
Types of Crowns:
Unless you’ve had a crown placed before, you probably aren’t familiar with the different types of crowns available and may be wondering what a dental crown actually is. Crowns are teeth caps that can be made from several materials and are designed to protect damaged or weakened teeth. Your dentist may give you a list of options for making your dental crown, including:
Porcelain & ceramic - Both of these options are visually appealing because they give patients the closest match to their natural
teeth but may not be as durable as other crowns.
Metal-alloy - A mixed-metal crown typically consisting of gold and another metal compound such as silver, platinum, copper, or tin. This is an excellent long-term solution for non-aesthetic areas which do a lot of work, like the back teeth in your upper jaw.
Porcelain-metal fusion - These provide a stronger bond than regular porcelain. They are frequently used by dentists because of their longevity, and because they combine the strength of a metal base with the aesthetic appeal of a porcelain surface.
Resin - Composite resin crowns offer a more inexpensive option, at least initially. These crowns bear a striking resemblance to natural teeth but may wear down quicker than other crowns if not properly cared for.
Zirconia - These types of crowns are created from the highest quality zirconia. Unlike some other restoration processes, zirconia crowns have good light transmission, providing a more natural shade, a resistant structure and a realistic appearance. Zirconia is often a good crown material option for people that suffer from grinding or clenching.
Do I Need a Crown?
In addition to offering durable protection, dental crowns are recommended for the treatment of fractured or cracked teeth, as well as to help hold a dental bridge in place. Crowns are also used to cover discolored or misshaped teeth.
Are you wondering “do I need crowns?” If you are, here are some of the most common reasons a crown might be needed:
Protecting & restoring broken teeth
Holding a dental bridge in place
Covering a discoloured tooth
Covering dental implants
Restoring a filling
Protecting the tooth & root structure after root canal therapy
Closing gaps in teeth
Getting Your Crown
A crown requires a few minimally invasive procedures that will quickly address your dental issues. First, we will place a cap over the injured tooth, which helps return its shape, strength, and appearance. After that, impressions are made and sent to a dental laboratory where your crown will be created.
While you are waiting for your new crown, your dentist will make a temporary one and insert it in the affected area. When the new crown arrives, the temporary crown will be removed, and the new crown will take its place!
Dental Crown Aftercare
Once the crown is in place, be sure to maintain proper dental care. While a crown restores a tooth and bolsters its defenses against wear and tear, no tooth is indestructible. With proper care, however, a quality crown can last almost a decade. In addition, be wary of other behaviors that might damage the dental crown, such as jaw clenching, bruxism (teeth grinding), and eating hard, brittle foods.
Dental Crown FAQs
What Are the Benefits of Dental Crowns?
Since a crown covers your entire tooth, it will be able to hold cracked teeth in the correct position while preventing additional damage. For those who find discomfort in the feeling of a badly cracked tooth, a crown’s smooth surface will provide a more pleasant feel amongst your other teeth.
What is Prosthodontics?
Prosthodontics focuses on the use of dental prostheses and implants to improve mouth, teeth, and gum health. Prosthetic dentistry can include temporary fixes such as braces, or permanent solutions, such as:
- Bridges
- Implants
- Veneers
- Crowns
Does Getting a Crown Hurt?
Getting a crown is not a painful experience; due to anesthetic and sedation, the most a patient may feel is mild discomfort. The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks!
How Long Do Crowns Last?
Although today's crowns are plenty durable, there is no replacing the durability of an actual tooth. Most crowns last a decade before needing to be replaced. A crown’s location in your mouth also plays a determining factor in its lifespan.
When Do You Need a Crown?
Crowns are a common dentistry procedure used to correct issues such as cavities and broken teeth. Not all conditions need a crown, so it is important to consult a dentist for recommendations.